Sunday, March 4, 2007

Crash and Burn

Had some great flights today but my DV cam lost power half way through my best flight and i missed recording the best part the crash landing. I'm typing with one hand so yawl will just have to put up with bad typing. it was pretty cold this morning so when it started warming up quick around 11am the thermals just started popping i was loving it. so the fifth flight around 3:30 i tow to 800' and let go the winds are from the north but we had a cold front on the way in so occasionally the wind would turn in from the west. i bank left to head back down field and lock into a thermal so i bank in left and just ride it. unfortenetly i paid more attention to thermalling then where i was so i bank out because I'm about 400 yards from the field over pure trees and my instructor radioed for me to head back. well i think to myself will i make it back 400 yards into a head wind without landing in the trees or do i bank and circle down to a field that i know i can easily make out of bounce . i think the close field is my best bet but my instructor not having all the info thought i would be fine so i take the option of flying back straight in a west headwind on full bar. Well looks great i'm flying about 30 full bar straight into the head wind then i lost some altitude in a pocket of sink but i pop out of the sink pretty quick but at this point i'm still about 100' feet from the edge of the tree line and i've already picked the tree i was going to land in. Then suddenly i make it close enough to the tree line to hit the lift band created by the tree line gained an extra 30' or so and I'm over the tree line and on approach which i'm headed into the wind coming from the west ready and set for landing 40' from the ground the wind switches suddenly from the north. thinking i still had time to make a sharp right turn for a landing I came in to fast with the turn but i made the landing with the right wing dragging the ground. now the nasty part the wind shifted hard and fast coming in from the west grabbed my left wing which was still high and flipped me over slinging me like a rag doll. now laying on top of the bottom of the wing with the glider upside down. my left arm took the brunt of the trauma and bent both down tubes. so they help me up we straighten the down tubes and i set up again and go for another flight, not getting any thermals on that run i do a few 360s and land and packed up for the day. now since I've fractured my left arm twice in my life i decided to go get x-rays they didn't see any blantent fractures but they did see a shadow so they splinted me anyway. I'll post pics of my arm tomorrow but if there turns out to be no fracture they gave me a wrist splint to use when flying for awhile so if the weather is good next weekend i'll be up again.

i so wish i had the video because it happened so quick i really cant recall the experience.

great flights but slightly damaged pilot.

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